PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
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298 lines
function showShowcaseAllWindows(event) {
if ((!event) || (event.type != "command")) {
showShowcase(true, false);
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(false, true);
} else {
showShowcase(false, false);
} else {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(true, true);
} else {
showShowcase(true, false);
function showShowcaseThisWindow(event) {
if ((!event) || (event.type != "command")) {
showShowcase(false, false);
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(true, true);
} else {
showShowcase(true, false);
} else {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(false, true);
} else {
showShowcase(false, false);
function showShowcaseTabAllWindows(event) {
if ((!event) || (event.type != "command")) {
showShowcase(true, true);
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(false, false);
} else {
showShowcase(false, true);
} else {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(true, false);
} else {
showShowcase(true, true);
function showShowcaseTabThisWindow(event) {
if ((!event) || (event.type != "command")) {
showShowcase(false, true);
} else if (event.shiftKey) {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(true, false);
} else {
showShowcase(true, true);
} else {
if (event.ctrlKey) {
showShowcase(false, false);
} else {
showShowcase(false, true);
function showShowcase(allWindows, embedTab) {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
prefs = prefs.getBranch("extensions.showcase.");
// First close the window so we can keep the "last position" and "last size" values
if (!embedTab) {
var wm = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
var windowIter = wm.getEnumerator('extension:showcase');
if (windowIter.hasMoreElements()) {
var targetWindow = windowIter.getNext();
if (targetWindow.wrappedJSObject) targetWindow = targetWindow.wrappedJSObject;
if (targetWindow) {
var shouldRefresh = false;
if (allWindows) {
if (!targetWindow.globalMode) {
targetWindow.globalMode = true;
shouldRefresh = true;
} else {
if (targetWindow.globalMode) {
targetWindow.globalMode = false;
targetWindow.localTargetWindow = window;
shouldRefresh = true;
} else {
if ((targetWindow.localTargetWindow && (targetWindow.localTargetWindow != window)) ||
(!targetWindow.localTargetWindow && (window.opener != window))) {
targetWindow.localTargetWindow = window;
shouldRefresh = true;
if (shouldRefresh)
// Check if we've to embed showcase in a tab
if (embedTab) {
// Look for any old instance
var tabbrowser = document.getElementById("content");
var tabs = tabbrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes;
var totalTabs = tabs.length;
var selectedTab = tabbrowser.getBrowserForTab(tabs[tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedIndex]);
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; (j < totalTabs) && !found; j++) {
var targetTab = tabbrowser.getBrowserForTab(tabs[j]);
if (targetTab.contentWindow) {
var targetTabWindow = targetTab.contentWindow;
if (targetTabWindow.wrappedJSObject) {
targetTabWindow = targetTabWindow.wrappedJSObject;
if (targetTabWindow.isShowcaseWindow) {
found = true;
if (targetTab == selectedTab) {
} else {
if (targetTabWindow.globalMode != allWindows) {
targetTabWindow.location = "chrome://showcase/content/showcase.xul?global=" + allWindows;
//targetTabWindow.globalMode = allWindows;
tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedIndex = j;
if (!found) {
var showcaseTab = getBrowser().addTab("chrome://showcase/content/showcase.xul?global=" + allWindows);
var initialPosition = prefs.getIntPref("tabInitialPosition");
var tabbrowser = getBrowser();
if (initialPosition == 0) {
// Current position
tabbrowser.moveTabTo(showcaseTab, tabbrowser.selectedTab._tPos);
} else if (initialPosition == 2) {
// First position
tabbrowser.moveTabTo(showcaseTab, 0);
tabbrowser.selectedTab = showcaseTab;
var windowHeight, windowWidth;
var createWindowString = "chrome";
var showcaseWidthType = prefs.getIntPref("windowWidth");
var widthPercentage = parseFloat(prefs.getCharPref("windowWidthPercentage"));
var widthModifier = prefs.getIntPref("windowWidthModifier");
createWindowString += ",outerWidth=";
if (showcaseWidthType == 0) {
var contentArea = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser;
windowWidth = Math.floor(contentArea.boxObject.width * widthPercentage / 100 + widthModifier);
createWindowString += windowWidth;
} else if (showcaseWidthType == 1) {
windowWidth = Math.floor(window.screen.availWidth * widthPercentage / 100 + widthModifier);
createWindowString += windowWidth;
} else if (showcaseWidthType == 2) {
windowWidth = prefs.getIntPref("windowLastWidth");
createWindowString += windowWidth;
if (windowWidth < 1) {
windowWidth = 300;
} else { // if (showcaseWidthType == 3) {
windowWidth = Math.floor(window.outerWidth * widthPercentage / 100 + widthModifier);
createWindowString += windowWidth;
var showcaseHeightType = prefs.getIntPref("windowHeight");
var heightPercentage = parseFloat(prefs.getCharPref("windowHeightPercentage"));
var heightModifier = prefs.getIntPref("windowHeightModifier");
createWindowString += ",outerHeight=";
if (showcaseHeightType == 0) {
var contentArea = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser;
windowHeight = Math.floor(contentArea.boxObject.height * heightPercentage / 100 + heightModifier);
createWindowString += windowHeight;
} else if (showcaseHeightType == 1) {
windowHeight = Math.floor(window.screen.availHeight * heightPercentage / 100 + heightModifier);
createWindowString += windowHeight;
} else if (showcaseHeightType == 2) {
windowHeight = prefs.getIntPref("windowLastHeight");
if (windowHeight < 1) {
windowHeight = 300;
createWindowString += windowHeight;
} else { // if (showcaseHeightType == 3) {
windowHeight = Math.floor(window.outerHeight * heightPercentage / 100 + heightModifier);
createWindowString += windowHeight;
if (prefs.getBoolPref("windowAttributeDialog")) {
createWindowString += ",dialog=yes";
} else {
createWindowString += ",dialog=no";
if (prefs.getBoolPref("windowAttributeDependent")) {
createWindowString += ",dependent=yes";
if (!prefs.getBoolPref("windowAttributeTitleBar")) {
createWindowString += ",titlebar=no";
if (prefs.getBoolPref("windowAttributeModal")) {
createWindowString += ",modal=yes";
if (prefs.getBoolPref("windowAttributeAlwaysRaised")) {
createWindowString += ",alwaysRaised=yes";
var showcasePosition = prefs.getIntPref("windowPosition");
if (showcasePosition == 0) {
// Center on invoking content area
var contentArea = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser;
createWindowString += ",left=" +
Math.floor(contentArea.boxObject.screenX + contentArea.boxObject.width / 2 - windowWidth / 2) +
",top=" +
Math.floor(contentArea.boxObject.screenY + contentArea.boxObject.height / 2 - windowHeight / 2);
} else if (showcasePosition == 1) {
// Center on current screen
createWindowString += ",centerscreen=yes";
} else if (showcasePosition == 2) {
// Remember last position
createWindowString += ",left=" +
prefs.getIntPref("windowLastX") +
",top=" +
} else if (showcasePosition == 3) {
// Remember last position relative to invoking window
createWindowString += ",left=" +
(window.screenX + prefs.getIntPref("windowLastRelativeX")) +
",top=" +
(window.screenY + prefs.getIntPref("windowLastRelativeY"));
} else { // if (showcasePosition == 4) {
// Center on invoking window
createWindowString += ",left=" +
Math.floor(window.screenX + window.outerWidth / 2 - windowWidth / 2) +
",top=" +
Math.floor(window.screenY + window.outerHeight / 2 - windowHeight / 2);
// Add "normal" parameters
createWindowString += ",close=yes,resizable=yes";
var showcaseURL = "chrome://showcase/content/showcase.xul?global=" + allWindows;
var showcaseWindow = window.openDialog(showcaseURL,
"showcaseDialog", createWindowString, window);
// Try to focus on new window (will fail if window is modal, but that's not an issue)
try {
} catch (e) {}
function showShowcaseOptions() {
var features;
try {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var instantApply = prefs.getBoolPref("browser.preferences.instantApply");
features = "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen," + (instantApply ? "dialog=no" : "modal,resizable");
} catch (e) {
features = "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen,modal,resizable";
openDialog("chrome://showcase/content/settings/settings.xul", "", features);